Ive read an article from a men's site about this. I actually dont agree on some stuffs written there, so i decided to just put a little difference on what the author says. (Well, i don't know who he is but i respect his article alot, but it's more of a hypothetical thingy, so why can't i raise mine?! =) )

She's HOT

File this one under “E” for “extremely freakin’ obvious!” It’s natural to look, normal to admire, but just downright stupid to vocalize to your girl. Even if your girlfriend is the first to notice and comment, it’s not an invitation for you to start panting in agreement. What it is, though, is an invitation to tell your girl how much hotter she is. (yes, i think that could be better! haha! )

She knows you admire other girls from afar (yuhp! im not stupid not to know that..that's a thing you can never erase from a guy - i believe so! ) , but she just doesn’t need it thrown in her face. (exactly! just try..and you'd really get the hell out of me..) Depending on your individual relationship, it might even be kosher to point out an attractive female from time to time. But don’t take this to mean you can spout off about any half-decent bimbo to your girl and anyone else in earshot. Be tactful, keep your wits about you and your unabashed gawking can continue without serious consequences.

--->that part of the article was just so right..exact words..and an exact answer of a "why can't i?" duh~(i even wrote some comments to show my parallel thoughts with the author)

My ex would...

Looking to immediately start a fight? Compare your current girl to your ex, whether it be favorably or otherwise. (It's a bad idea!) She trusts that you’ve moved on… completely. (Ofcourse, no one wants to be a rebound..well, not me!) Bringing up your ex in any light brings this all into question. Telling her how your last girl would cook your favorite meatloaf or give you back rubs (or even stuffs like, i've been here with me and my blah blah before..~~who cares?) will certainly not result in a massage. It will result in her fretting away about you straying back to the meatloaf-cooking ex. And a girlfriend in that state of mind is a girlfriend ripe for fighting.

On the other side, your ham-handed attempts to make your current girl feel good about herself by slagging on your ex are both pathetic and counter-productive. Your partner will wonder why you are thinking about her in the first place, and will also wonder what you’ll have to say about her if things don’t work out. (yes, he's right! if u have grudges on your ex, just forget it! past is past, as what they say..never say, thank god you're good on this cuz' my ex isn't..)

You are forgetting that girls develop an instant and all-encompassing hatred for a guy’s ex-girlfriend once they begin dating. You are safest to not even bring her up, in any circumstance. (your ex is a part of your past a present girl could not erase, so it's better to just leave it there!)

Im not good enough for you..

Chicks dig confidence, and moping around whimpering statements like this will be a major turn-off. Keep your chin up and remember that you are a superstar and she is lucky to have you. Even if you don’t feel that way, acting like it will make you more like the man she wants you to be. She’ll feed your ego and breed real confidence that ultimately ends with you becoming a better person.

But whining about your shortcomings will plant seeds of doubt into her head. It puts you further under the microscope and could eventually convince her that you are right -- she is too good for you. Nice job, hot shot.

-->I think I could explain this part better..as a girl, I wouldn't want my man not to feel good about his self. Why would he? I picked him to be a part of me. I picked him to be my man. Then why the hell would I choose for less? I choose you because I believe it's you that I need..and not because I'm better than you..or whatsoever! We're not in a contest here! (are we?) When girls choose you to be their 'guy', It only means one thing, she thinks you're the best for her and you're everything she could ever wish for. So don't let us think the other way.. =)

If you really love me, you would..

Putting conditions on her love for you is about as low as it gets. You are smart guy; you don’t stoop to this level to get what you want. Bribe her with flowers, shower her in chocolate, or just man up and ask her straight. That will get you a lot closer to what you want than trying this pathetic rationalization.

-->I editted this part, I actually didn't copy the first paragraph that the author wrote. I think this is the whole of it! never put conditions with the love a girl is offering..if she loves you..She loves you the way she knows..and she's the only one who can tell what deeds could she do to prove it.

Im not in the mood..

It’s an odd double standard that few people talk about. Women can use just about any excuse in the book to put off sex, from hair appointments to gas pains. But if a guy is too tired or just not up for a go, it rattles the very foundation of the relationship. She thinks men are sexual deviants with no off switch, and your saying no means something very sinister and deep in her mind. It’s almost better to just suck it up and go through the motions.

You can try to explain to her rationally, but all she will hear is you telling her she’s fat, or that you already got some with the blond receptionist in the copy room. She’ll let you off once or twice, but keep putting her off and the consequences could be devastating.

-->> I think the issue isn't just about the 'sex' thing..it is all wrapped up with issues when a girl wants to be with her guy..go out with him..attend some party with him..or any thing related..I know that being a guy wouldn't mean that you could always be on the go..like the way superman could..(im not a kid not to notice that! haha..) Some days could just really be very tiring and all we could do is to understand. That's why! it would have been better to tell your girl, you know how tired i am..or something not so offending like 'im not in the mood'..Sometimes, a guy must know how to tell a *not so good thing* in a sweet way.. =)

***There's still more of these things but I prefer to have it on my next blog..I'm just like a man too..i could be very tired..haha..!! well, that's a fact on humans! *wink ;)


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